it's story time.

hey there! I'm alayna, and

this is not the story i expected to be telling.

I love books. 

Like, love books. As in, when my husband and I move, we usually have to fill a whole SUV with just our book collection. I love to read all kinds of fiction. I'll read almost any time period, too. Jane Austen? Great. George Orwell? I'll take it. Donna Tartt? Done. However, I've never been much of a writer -- stories don't swim around in my head. I prefer to be absorbed in someone else's story. 

I pursued the typical path you would expect out of someone like me. I became my own idol -- the high school English teacher -- ready to impress and empower young minds to change the world with the power of the word!

Things did not really go as planned. I quickly realized that the school system has more things wrong than it has right, and as a 100% or nothing kind of person, I felt defeated by my inability to keep up with my own standards. At the end of every week I was exhausted physically and out of creative ideas for class. My battery was at an all time low. 

So I left teaching. I found myself working as the secretary at my church (didn't see that coming, did you?), and then after that, as a Marketing Director at an eight-figure Ecommerce brand. The path to that role is another story. 

I enjoy my corporate nine-to-five. I learn a lot. I get to help people. I have great coworkers. I get to lead and come up with creative solutions for corporate problems. However, I started spending my 5-9 after my 9-5 on Chapter House so I can have a creative outlet that allows me to meld my market knowledge and love for storytelling in a way that helps business owners like you bring your wildest fantasies to life through creative and strategic brand & website design.

Starting this business was hands down the scariest thing I have EVER done. The risk level felt high, but so did the reward. And that has been so true. I am so grateful for the trust each of my clients put in me with their business. I count it such a privilege to do what I do!

"My new website completely exceeded all expectations and more. My old website never really felt like me and didn't capture the true vibe of my brand.

That being said, I never even really knew exactly what my brand was or needed to be, I only knew I had ideas but never had a way to make those thoughts turn into a real product. Alayna not only took my ideas but she added every single thing that was ever missing to them and turned them into the most beautiful product I could have ever dreamed of.

I feel like I have a website I'm proud to show off, I feel like I have a complete brand that captures my work AND I feel like I'm finally on the right track to really succeeding in the direction I want to take my business."

"I finally feel proud of my brand and feel like it's me."

really nice words
danielle williams | Danielle williams photography
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